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Sand Tray Therapy

Play & Heal

Sand Tray Therapy

Sand tray therapy is an expressive and dynamic play process that is used by children, adolescents, individual adults, couples, families and groups in the presence of a therapist.


The therapist uses a collection of miniature objects, sand and water and invites the client to make their own world or picture in the tray using these items to express how they feel or show what is occurring in their world.


The sand tray translates personal experiences into a concrete three- dimensional form. It allows a greater exploration of deep emotional issue such as deep anger, depression, abuse of grief without the need for verbal communication.

The non-invasive method works especially well with those individuals who are young or have trouble comprehending and talking about difficult issues such as domestic abuse, incest or death of a family member. Also, children who are selective mute or have no or limited verbal communication.